Shabnam Azar

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Shabnam Azar, River has no home, 2020, Videoessay

With the intention of walking in another world, I left this world.
With the intention of walking in itself,
the world left me.
We thought we were going on two different ways,
but these were the different ways which thought of us.
The paths continued us,
and we didn’t think anymore.

My body is here, but my mind is not. We are two
different phenomena from each other, and we only
agree on one word: “Resistance”.
And I got to know this kind of resistance in immigration.

It is an autobiography about different forms of
resistance against self, phenomena, and events.

Shabnam Azar, geboren 1977 in Iran, Dichterin, Journalistin und Medienkünstlerin, von 2015 bis 2021 postgraduales
Studium der Medialen Künste an der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln; zuvor Journalistik-Studium in Teheran. In ihren Arbeiten thematisiert sie u.a. das Verhältnis von Überwachung, Politik und Individuum in modernen Gesellschaften. Als Künstlerin arbeitet sie mit verschiedenen Medien, darunter Video, Essay, Fotografie, experimenteller Dokumentarfilm und Performance.

Diplombetreuung: Prof. Dr. Lilian Haberer, Prof. Johannes Wohnseifer, Solveig Klaßen

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