Workshop mit Lanfranco Aceti von der Boston University / MIT Press
Lanfranco Aceti, The Destiny that Awaits You, 2016
Artistic and Curatorial Displaced
Montag, 19. September, 11.30 bis 16 Uhr
Pipinstr. 16
50676 Köln
The workshop – supported, hosted and organized by Mischa Kuball, Professor for Public Art at the KHM/Academy of Media Arts, Cologne/D – is free and open to all.
There are only twenty seats, so if you wish to attend please book in advance by registering here:
It all started
with the feeling of being cut out, with having to face institutional lack of
support and friends that had decided to cut ties and disappear when faced with
an unusual project. This is how the Museum of Contemporary Cuts came to be.
Since then and after almost ten years, this unusual platform has developed a
series of artistic and aesthetic practices, placing itself firmly on the
international art scene as a uniquely quirky entity.
The workshops
wishes to address the complexity of contemporary aesthetic and curatorial
practices which, characterized by original approaches and processes, find
themselves excluded from the corporate fair and museum circuits of what is
acceptable art. Politically neutered and aesthetically castrated these practices
were destined to further struggle in an environment in full financial crisis
since 2008.
The role of
the Museum of Contemporary Cuts has been that of favoring exchanges, activities
and engagements by displaying and realizing a range of exhibitions and projects,
the last of which social-IST continues to look at unpalatable forms of
aesthetic creation and production.
collaboration with MIT Press and Boston University, MoCC has developed a new
formula for the documentation of the struggle of contemporary artists by
focusing on the diversity and multitude of personal stories which, as
reflection on the fine art research of an individual space of operation,
provide an understanding of what it means to exist outside the delineated
border of what is institutional art.
Lanfranco Aceti, PhD, is director of Arts Administration at Boston University. He is an academic, artist, and curator whose interdisciplinary research focuses on the intersection between video and expanded cinema, digital arts, visual culture, and new media technologies. As a practitioner, his interests lie in contemporary art, curatorial studies, transmedia, inter-semiotic translations between classic media and new media, contemporary digital hybridization processes, and new media studies and their practice-based applications in the field of fine arts. His doctorate was in fine art, new media, and film; his master’s was in film and video production; and his diploma was in journalism, film, and media studies.
Prior to his appointment at Metropolitan College, Lanfranco served as a visiting scholar at Goldsmiths, University of London, and at the Victoria and Albert Museum. He has taught contemporary art and digital culture with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul, and was director of the Kasa Gallery, Istanbul, where he exhibited a range of innovative artworks like 75Watts by Revital Cohen and Tuur Van Balen from the MoMA collection, or Paolo Cirio’s Loophole4all, which was awarded the 2014 Golden Nica at Ars Electronica. In 2011, he curated the exhibition Uncontainable for ISEA2011 Istanbul as part of the parallel program of the 12th Istanbul Biennial, and he exhibited artworks on the media façade of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb. In August 2014, he curated The Small Infinite at the John Hansard Gallery, in Southampton, with never-previously exhibited artworks from the estate of John Latham. He is founder and director of both the Museum of Contemporary Cuts (MoCC) and Operational and Curatorial Research in Contemporary Art, Design, Science and Technology (OCR)—including the Media Exhibition Platform (MEP), which has presented a range of international, peer-reviewed exhibitions both online and in physical spaces since 2010.
Lanfranco is editor-in-chief of the Leonardo Electronic Almanac (MIT Press/Leonardo Journal Series). His work has been published extensively, and he has exhibited internationally as an artist at venues such as the John Hansard Gallery, the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in London, Art-Athina, Supermarket in Stockholm, Contemporary Istanbul, and other international venues. He is also the founder, lead artist, and curator for the Studium: Lanfranco Aceti Inc., a studio that develops artistic and curatorial commissions, projects, publications, and academic events for international biennials, museums, and festivals. Lanfranco received his diploma from the University of Urbino, Italy; his master’s from Bournemouth University in the UK; and his doctorate from Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design, University of the Arts, London.
Redaktion — Juliane Kuhn