Entstehungsjahr: 1995 Länge: 00:12:00 Kategorien: Film / TV / Video, Experimentalfilm
„Scale, inspired by Giacometti´s writing, is a beautifully crafted piece of video poetry. Like a moving drawing, it glides effortlessly from one abstracted image to another, smoothly blurring the transformations. It hints at the physical world but passes it by in ambient distortion. Like the mixing of electronic memories, or old photographs, the contorted images fade in and out of recognition. With an equally haunting musical soundtrack, the video feels like memories being erased. Dim shadows walk through whited out fields of light, and the work settles in a comfortable place between dimly recognizable footage and total abstraction. Batsry provides a touching and eerie experience, like a children s book illustration from beyond the grave. Faint grey ghosts move through her imaginary spaces, like a surreal vision of a drifting heaven.“ (lg, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein)
Soundtrack: Stuart Jones Idee, Realisation und Produktion: Irit Batsry, entstanden im Rahmen des Fellowships an der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln 1995, Sammlung Neuer Berliner Kunstverein
Prof. Heide Hagebölling, Prof. Manfred Eisenbeis
Irit Batsry
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
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