Betreuung: Prof. Ingo Günther Prof. Dr. Bernd Girod Dr. Andrew Pepper
Projektart: Diplom
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Externe Kooperation: Unterstützt durch: Silicon Graphics Apple Computer Bose GmbH Hard and Soft; Gefördert durch: Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst Österreich Kulturamt Wien
Entstehungsjahr: 1993 Länge: 00:11:00 Kategorien: Film / TV / Video
Projektart: Diplom
„SMDK“ is a cross-disciplinary project by Knowbotic Research which evolved from an exchange of working techniques between media artists, computer musicians and computer scientists. The interactive environment SMDK consists of a data base containing sounds contributed to the Internet from all over the world. Based on their characteristics, the sounds become mobile elements (agents) and form a self-organizing system by means of simple artificial life rules comparable to a simple cultural community. A visitor who is equipped with a tracking sensor may interactively explore the system in a physical walk-in room and trigger sounds, and will influence the organization of the sound elements by manipulating their duration, volume and direction, which in turn depends on the speed and type of his movements. Through a small monitor attached to his head, the visitor is provided with textual information which helps him to navigate within virtual sound space. A computer graphical visualization of the permanently changing system, the actions of the visitor and their bearing on the system can be observed by an audience on a large screen in a separate room.
Christian Hübler, Alexander Tuchachek und Yvonne Wilhelm sind „Knowbotic Research“
Prof. Ingo Günther, Prof. Dr. Bernd Girod, Dr. Andrew Pepper
Knowbotic Research
Knowbotic Research
Knowbotic Research
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Externe Kooperation:
Unterstützt durch: Silicon Graphics, Apple Computer, Bose GmbH, Hard and Soft Gefördert durch: Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst Österreich, Kulturamt Wien
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