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Auszeichnung für Andreas Muxel

Second Prize, Art and Artificial Life in the 12th edition of the International Vida Prizes, Madrid
VIDA is an international competition which rewards electronic works of art produced with artificial life technologies. Artificial life, or Alife, is an interdisciplinary science which studies and creates artificial systems by imitating the properties of living systems. The winning pieces may be exhibited at Fundación Telefónica Virtual Gallery and in the exhibitions related to art and new technologies it organises or takes part in. Works of art submitted must not be more than two years old. This enables the Competition to keep updated and aware of the last technological trends in the field of artificial life.

Termine zu ähnlichen Themen

An Andreas Muxel für seine Abschlussarbeit "CONNECT" (Eigenreaktive Skupltur) ging der Zweite Preis beim Art an Artificial Life, 12th edition of the International Vida Prize mit 14.000 Euro. Die Arbeit wird vom 17.02. bis 21.02.2010 ausgestellt bei der ARCO, Contemporary Art Madrid.
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