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Patrick Doberenz und Philipp Enders gewinnen für ihren gemeinsamen Abschlussfilm "man stirbt." den Publikumspreis beim Festival DokumentArt Neubrandenburg (16. bis 21. Oktober 2009). Einige Stimmen des Publikums: "for an excellent combination of animation and documentary, for dealing with serious problems in an unconventional but not necessarily serious way, for it’s great sense of humour and it’s respectful distance, for telling a complex story within a seemingly simple tale, for playing with the audience’s expectations, inside the cinema as well as outside when capturing the voices of the people in the street."
Patrick Doberenz und Philipp Enders gewinnen für ihren gemeinsamen Abschlussfilm "man stirbt." den Publikumspreis beim Festival DokumentArt Neubrandenburg (16. bis 21. Oktober 2009). Einige Stimmen des Publikums: "for an excellent combination of animation and documentary, for dealing with serious problems in an unconventional but not necessarily serious way, for it’s great sense of humour and it’s respectful distance, for telling a complex story within a seemingly simple tale, for playing with the audience’s expectations, inside the cinema as well as outside when capturing the voices of the people in the street."
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