Alle Termine

Logo Text and RadioPoesia – A Translation Platform for Contemporary Poetry

Invitation to the event of RadioPoesia in collaboration with Cashmere Radio and otic radio - a reading session that focuses on translations in the field of poems and includes a discussion round.

Dienstag, 11. Juli, 18 Uhr, Bibliotheksgarten
Overstpolzenhaus, Rheingasse 8
50676 Köln
Eintritt frei

What is "RadioPoesia" ? 

RadioPoesia is a platform where multilingualism in poetry and translation are practiced as a creative process in relation to the multiplicities of meanings.

Who are we?

Otic Radio and Wandering Translators, (a Napoli based collective focused translation as a collective practice) are hosting a Live-Stream Reading Session. The Goethe Institute in Naples has dedicated a two-year project to Italian translation and contemporary German poetry and this project is also sponsored by Italian Cultural Institute in Cologne and Hamburg and in cooperation with Cashmere Radio in Berlin. 

Who are the poets whose works will be translated?

Dagmara Kraus (Germany) and Carmen Gallo (Italy)

The cooperation "RadioPoesia" between otic.Radio and Wandering Translators is sponsored by the Italian Cultural Institute Cologne and supported by the Italian Cultural Institute Hamburg and the Goethe Institute. The project was developed by Wandering Translators. The supporting media partners are Cashmere and

Die Kooperation "RadioPoesia" von otic.Radio und Wandering Translators wird gefördert vom Italienischen Kulturinstitut Köln und unterstützt vom Italienischen Kulturinstitut Hamburg und dem Goethe Institut. Das Projekt wurde von Wandering Translators entwickelt. Die unterstütztende Medienpartner sind Cashmere und 

Redaktion — Juliane Kuhn
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