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Joscha Steffens: Nexus_Valley

Cordial invitation to enter the game Nexus_Valley.

28. Oktober 08:00 pm CEST

Nexus_Valley is an archive in cyberspace.

An interactive atlas mapping events, human encounters, coordinates and fandom data bases.

Nexus_Valley waits for you and invites you to play with it.

Your role is the one of an agent, a researcher who is following and surveying a new generation of gamers.

Nexus_Valley will let you get close to mysterious and intriguing characters of our virtual world. 

Come and follow those hybrid creatures in and outside of their natural habitat.

Supported by:

Neustart Kultur

Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler

Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien

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