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Christian Faubel: The zoOHPraxiscope

a projekt in applied media archaeology

21.11.2017, 17:30 - 19.00 Uhr
Köln international School of Design

In this talk, I will present an experiment in applied media archaeology, a project I call the zoOHPraxiscope.

This device is a re-invention of the Zoopraxiscope, a projector for showing short animated sequences of images. The Zoopraxiscope was developed by the chrono-photographer Eadweard Muybridge, who is most famous for having proven that a horse, during running, has at one moment in time all feet off the ground. I will dive into the history of projection and animation, connecting the Laterna Magica, early experiments on flicker and afterimages and the internet phenomenon of animated GIFs. A project Andre Rangel paraphrased as a merging new and traditional media, new and traditional techniques, and new and traditional thoughts proving an untimely point of view, where the age of the media has no longer any sense, because all media were young and will become old, all media were high-tech and will become low-tech.

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