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musicvidoes – animations – short movies – experimental clips and premiere of new videos Presentation by Heide Hagebölling + Frank Horlitz
„MusicBox“ is a compilation of music oriented videos. Partly inspired by the avantgarde of 1920s, 70s and 80s it presents a wide range of aesthetic approaches and content, experiments with rhythm and visual language, diverse creative technics and different ways of connecting sound and images. Several clips have been internationalley screened on festivals, events and art exhibitions. daniel brandt + reza farahani + moritz füllgrabe + olaf geuer +
matthias gerding + lars henkel + tanja hoffmann + eva kehl +
martin kilger + michael könig + jan krüger +
sandeep mehta + arne münch + isabelle niehsen + nando nkrumah +
marcus overbeck + falko sixel + sebastian selbach + anja struck +
corine stübi + gregor theus + sven volz + frederic walker + benjamin wild Presentation: Heide Hagebölling and Frank Horlitz
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