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At this year's Beijing Design Week 2011, the Department of Hybrid Space at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne presents the exhibition and workshop program “Hybrid Design - Autonomous Cell Space” focusing on Do It Yourself fabrication with 3D printers by Prof. Frans Vogelaar, David Hahlbrock (Teaching Assistant), Roman Hahlbrock, Róbert Olawuyi and Jonas Zais.

September 26 - October 3, 2011

Location: 751D Park, Dashanzi Art District, Beijing

Lecture & Presentation:
September 27: "Co-Authenticity" - lecture and presentation at the onference on Copy/Culture organised by the Dutch Design Foundation "Premsela" September 29: "Hybrid Cities" - lecture in the realm of the conference "Smart Cities, Healthy Cities", on invitation by Dutch Design Fashion Architecture (DutchDFA). Articles on the Hybrid Design Workshop:
-> Time Out Bejing: For more detailed information, see pdf

Hybrid Design at Beijing Design Week 2011

26.09.11 - 03.10.11
751D Park / Dashanzi Art District
Hybrid Design introduces the design fields that are emerging through the combination and fusion of environments, objects and services in the information-communication age.

Workshop & Exhibition
The workshop is an experimental laboratory that strongly interacts with the public. During the workshop we teach the participants how to use a Do It Yourself (DIY) 3D printer and how to share the digital design information of physical objects through online communities. In the last years 3D printing has developed from a specialized industry to a low cost technology that everyone can use to produce objects. The digital blue prints of the machines and objects are designed in 3D software and can be shared via digital networks. 3D printing allows industrial production on a desktop scale enabling autonomous production for individuals and designers. Thus the concept of automated production known from large factories is today scaled down to small workshop environments. This development of object production is enabled by the Internet and by the acceleration of technological developments and Open Source communities. The workshop and exhibition program starts Monday 26 September and ends on till Monday 3 October 2011, the program is open to a general public and takes place in 751D Park located at the located in Dashanzi Art District (original 798 Factory) in Beijing. Lectures Beijing Design Week:
On September 27, 2011, Frans Vogelaar will I have an lecture for the Dutch Design Institute Premsela on Copy Culture, and on September 29, 2011 a lecture on Hybrid City for the Dutch Design, Fashion and Architecture Institute. The project is sponsored by the Goethe Institute China, the Beijing Design Week 2011, Bits From Bytes and the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
At this year's Beijing Design Week 2011, the Department of Hybrid Space at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne presents the exhibition and workshop program “Hybrid Design - Autonomous Cell Space” focusing on Do It Yourself fabrication with 3D printers by Prof. Frans Vogelaar, David Hahlbrock (Teaching Assistant), Roman Hahlbrock, Róbert Olawuyi and Jonas Zais.

September 26 - October 3, 2011

Location: 751D Park, Dashanzi Art District, Beijing

Lecture & Presentation:
September 27: "Co-Authenticity" - lecture and presentation at the onference on Copy/Culture organised by the Dutch Design Foundation "Premsela" September 29: "Hybrid Cities" - lecture in the realm of the conference "Smart Cities, Healthy Cities", on invitation by Dutch Design Fashion Architecture (DutchDFA). Articles on the Hybrid Design Workshop:
-> Time Out Bejing: For more detailed information, see pdf

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