Entstehungsjahr: 1997 Länge: 00:08:00 Kategorien: Film / TV / Video, Experimentalfilm, Animation
This video is a self portrait about “a journey into myself“, through my body, my mind. My idea was to try to use methods like deformation, distortion or association as a way to look at myself and the environment I live in. I used different kinds of media like a 3D scanner, camera shooting, measuring instruments, photographs, pictoral quotes from art history, written and spoken language to make overlays of them. My attempt was to inquire myself as a „diagram“, as a visualisation of recorded sound, as an arrangement of colours. As a matter of fact I have become the diagram. Different media are the objects of imagination and the material of which we are constructing our ""environmental self"".
Kamera: Steffen Bohn Kamera-Assistent: Jürgen Pütz Studiotechnik: Johannes Wieland Tonkomposition: Michael Renath
Prof. Heide Hagebölling, Christin Bolewski
Iris Sofka
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
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