Künstlerische Arbeiten Studierende

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Prof. Bernd Girod
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Externe Kooperation:
Production Support: Advanced NMR Systems; Massachusetts
USA MIT Media Laboratory
Spatial Imaging Group; Massachusetts
Visualization Group; St. Augustine
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Kontakt: archiv@khm.de

Nothing Broke but the Heart

Titelbild des Projekts Nothing Broke but the Heart
  • Clea T. Waite
Entstehungsjahr: 1994
Länge: 00:06:55
Kategorien: Videokunst, Videoarbeit, Experimentalfilm
Modern, cold, invasive... none-the-less, state-of-the-art electronic medical technologies; EPI scans with huge electromagnets, computers, film, and video, have allowed me to create very literal invocations of metaphors that have existed since the age of the Troubadours. Nothing Broke but the Heart compulsively, hypnotically, runs through distorted icons of ""love"", heart always ""center screen"". A chaos of color and light, individual frames flash like memories. These hearts - hearts of stone, burning hearts, wooden hearts, ""mutated"" hearts, hearts that are only words - are punctuated throughout the video by medical images of my body's real heart - breathing, pumping, catching in its rhythm. This video uses the hardness, the rationality of electronic technology and its processes - the antithesis of emotion - as the language with which to express emotion. It is a modern vocabulary for a poetry of our age.
Prof. Bernd Girod
  • Clea T. Waite
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Externe Kooperation:
Production Support: Advanced NMR Systems
Massachusetts, USA MIT Media Laboratory, Spatial Imaging Group
Massachusetts, USA GMD, Visualization Group
St. Augustine, Germany
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Kontakt: archiv@khm.de
Titelbild des Projekts Nothing Broke but the Heart
Galeriebild des Projekts Nothing Broke but the Heart
Galeriebild des Projekts Nothing Broke but the Heart
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