Künstlerische Arbeiten Studierende

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Prof. Julia Scher
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Kontakt: archiv@khm.de

Do we really know what is behind it

Titelbild des Projekts Do we really know what is behind it
  • ML
Entstehungsjahr: 2017
Länge: 00:04:09
Kategorien: Fotografie, Videokunst, Videoinstallation, Videoarbeit
After the Great Kantō earthquake, in 1923, the Japanese government sent the architect Kon Wajiro to travel through rural areas and document the devastated settlements, that remained after the catastrophe. While staying loyal to his original task he was sketching houses and their interiors over and over again. Instead of representing reality, he found himself seeking out for that perfect drawing among the demolished landscape. This urge to find the beauty and perfection lead him to recreate his imaginative reality. The video work Do We Really Know What Is Behind it is an- other work from Milica Lopicic in which she explores her archi- tectural tools to create things more “beautiful”. In her work, she offers a particular aesthetic pleasure: finding a pure joy of the image and its beauty. The camera captures the same action repeatedly over and over again. Just as Kon Wajiro is seeking for the perfect frame, the artist recreates her own reality. RS Instruction for website visitors: Viewers are instructed to stay close to the screen and never get in comfortable position to see entirely the image and to never see it clearly.
Konzept: Milica Lopicic
Editing and music sound: Dragana Jovanovic
Music Sound: Axel Pulgar
Prof. Julia Scher
  • ML
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Kontakt: archiv@khm.de
Titelbild des Projekts Do we really know what is behind it
Galeriebild des Projekts Do we really know what is behind it
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