Untertitel: A pragmatic approach to being in the world Entstehungsjahr: 0000 Kategorien: Text / Buch / Print, Dissertation
There is a lack of personal experiences and knowledge beyond books in parts of musicology and other art and media studies. Theoretical discourses about theoretical discourses and waves of quotations reign. Strictly analytical thinking is favored over combining it with making. Sealed off from experiments and actions, tacit knowledge, that is equally relevant to the subjects of study, is neglected. Contrasting this, I will explore the possibilities and chances of experimental making processes as an additional form of research, just having a go, not knowing what the outcome might be, and even more important acting oneself. This will be achieved through creating artifacts, systems and situations, utilizing practice research and participant observation, while drawing my main examples from visual arts, musical instrument building, experimental music and teaching.
Prof. Dr. Georg Trogemann
Christian Rust
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
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