Künstlerische Arbeiten Studierende

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Luis Negrón van Grieken
Projektart: 1. Projekt
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Kontakt: archiv@khm.de

The Crimson Intellect ['agl-i-sorkh]

  • Ali Chakav
Entstehungsjahr: 2015
Länge: 01:20:00
Kategorien: Performance / Ausstellung / Bühne , Klang / Sound / Musik, Ausstellung, Konzert, Konzert
Projektart: 1. Projekt
This multidimensional event is contained by a decentralised medial scenography, where light (and shadow), sound and voice will engage the visitor for an immersive situation of that possible labyrinth. Pointing into the more darker side of the inaugural episodes of Western thought - the myth of Plato’s cave - this space will show the engagement of shadows with knowledge. This project is also influenced by Sohrevardi’s philosophy of Eshragh (Illumination) where light and colour are a continuum of manifestations by physical and metaphysical “bodies”. In a luck of improvisation the images are chosen by navigating thought an analog archive of images, combined with a digital approach the space will create that sorcery moment of the image making, where also words are in the same ontological level as images. The results of this necessarily incomplete intercultural and multi-temporal ‘reading’ of an ‘impossible’ text will be presented as an audio- visual lecture- performance post-theatrical event, using elements of light, video-projection, locational electronic sound feedback system, tonality, analytical and poetic commentary, deconstruction, and space- time illusion.
Idee und Realisation: Ali Chakav
Mitarbeit: Luis Negrón van Grieken (Light performance), Sina Seifee (Lecture performance), Ali Chakav (Concept & Sound performance)
Luis Negrón van Grieken
  • Ali Chakav
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Kontakt: archiv@khm.de
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