„Does the future have a future? This question looms over Hermes Villena's exhibition ""With Every Sunrise A New Ruin"" at the KHM foyer like one of the clouds in his untitled video (2014). The exhibition consists of a lower installation of bricks which is assumed to be a wall and attached to a higher construction behind it (of bricks as well) through pink threads, a video of placid clouds which turn out after a long 10-minute journey to be made of a completely different substance, a dream feeding a dream, and a sculpture of a wooden stand which serves as a support for small clouds of sugar candy for sale and that comes in all the colours of the rainbow. A sign ""For Sale"" leans matter of factly on a wall as if forgotten... Things and instances as different in terms of material and consistence and so in opposition to each other as two things can be: bricks and clouds, one being the very representation of materia, a concrete cell, the other immaterial, a phenomenon. It doesn't seem to be a coincidence that in his installation bricks take such a preponderous instance; still dealing with the consequences of a crisis of iceberg configurations that shattered the basis of one of men's most common dreams, that of one own's house, clouds as representation of chimera are of utter pertinence here."" - Lourdes Alva-
Idee und Realisation: Hermes Villena Montage: David Denker
Prof. Johannes Wohnseifer, Wiebke Elzel
Hermes Villena
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
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