""Mneme"" is a Liquid Memory Scape. As a metaphor, it can be kristalisiern the process of my memory. This attempt at transformation between Immateriellitaet and materiality is not for a representation of an image but a Verkorperung the specific track of my condition with my Gedaechtins at a time was very ambivalent. The 15 glass stand in a glass bowl which chemical liquid (iron (II) sulfate heptahydrate) for introduction of. In between each glass sheet are an anode and cathode and the individual channel refers to a region of the EEG (Electroencephalography instrument). The Hirnstroeme is recorded and amplified for electrolysis. Thus the crystal is formed and grows in a time sequence. ""Mneme"" is me.
Bernd Voss Dipl.-Ing. Martin Nawrath
Prof. Dr. Georg Trogemann, Prof. Heide Hagebölling, Prof. Anthony Moore
Jongwon Choi
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
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