Künstlerische Arbeiten Studierende

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Prof. Detlev Nothnagel
Prof. Marcel Odenbach
Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise Angerer
Projektart: 2. Projekt
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Kontakt: archiv@khm.de


  • Menachem Roth
Entstehungsjahr: 2008
Kategorien: Text / Buch / Print, Text
Projektart: 2. Projekt
This paper describes several analyses of Video Field-Observations in video-compositing and gait-recognition platforms. The aim of the observations is to examine the methodology of video-observation in the tradition of second order cybernetics in which the ""observing observer observes himself as an observer"" (Heinz von Foerster, 1974)*1*, rather than a ""straight forward"" anthropological study that explores humanity. The term gait-recognition, as a sub-field of biometrics, is typically used to signify the identification of individuals in image sequences by the way-they-walk. Unlike other biometric methods, such as fingerprint, palm reading, voice recognition, and so forth, gait-recognition, does not require the collaboration of the measured subject, because the image sequence analysed in gait-recognition can be equipped with surveillance hidden-cameras and the analysis process is, thus, without the subject's awareness of being examined. Developed for security and surveillance applications, gait-recognition aims to extract an individual's ID from an image sequence. In this gait-recognition differentiate from gait-analysis which covers the entire field of kinematics and explores the physicality of gait both in animals and human beings. *1*Heinz von Foerster (1974), Cybernetics of Cybernetics, Urbana Illinois: University of Illinois. Niklas Luhmann (1995),The Reality of the Mass Media, Stanford: Stanford University Press
Prof. Detlev Nothnagel, Prof. Marcel Odenbach, Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise Angerer
  • Menachem Roth
Eine Produktion der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Kontakt: archiv@khm.de
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