Stay tuned and enjoy!
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Wintersemester broadcasting
You can also listen our broadcasting in otic Soundcould with better quality
18.Novemeber 2020
Rewriting Diaries
02.December 2020
KHM Infotag with artistic works by KHM students
16.December 2020
Human Collage (Organizers' feast)
13.January 2021
Odradek / A Talk about Sound Artists & Labels
27.January 2021
Fem Collage
otic. ist eine von Studenten betriebene Radioplattform an der KHM.
otic. ist ein Raum für Kunst, die sich eher auf das Ohr als auf das Auge bezieht.
otic. ist auf der Suche nach Zuhörer_innen.
otic. ist auf der Suche nach Sender_innen.
otic. is a student-run radio platform from KHM.
otic. is a space for works that relate to the ear rather than the eye.
otic. is looking for listeners.
otic. is looking for broadcasters.
Open call for radio works, SoSe 2021
This 2021 Summer Semester, we would like to focus on showcasing community and student work across a variety of disciplines. The broadcasting schedule this Sommersemester 2021 is bimonthly: Wednesdays at 8pm every two weeks. Submitted student work will be broadcasted and subsequently archived on the KHM website as well as our SoundCloud page. We seek ideas that capture, play with, and expand upon the artistic possibilities of radio and accept both live and pre-recorded pieces. We also encourage students to use otic radio as a medium for student discussion, and are open to interviews and relevant commentary on the current artistic, political, and scholastic milieu, both at KHM and globally. The call for works is open, but not restricted, to:
radio plays / storytelling / readings / spoken word / artist talk / improvisation / discussion shows / sound art / experimental music / DJ sets / documentary features / field recordings / collaboration show with
*We are looking for co-organisers!*
Together, we are thinking and learning about the myriad roles radio can play in an ever-changing technological landscape. As a team, we solicit artistic works from others, organise and moderate special events and broadcasts, and handle all the technical aspects of planning, editing, creating, streaming, and mastering a radio broadcast. We also collaborate with stations at other universities, both local and abroad. Background knowledge is not vital to join, but communication skills are a must.
Don’t hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions.
You can also listen our broadcasting in otic Soundcould with better quality
20.May 2020
Natalie Harapat - Ich wünschte wir würden loswerden / Einholen
Jiyun Park - Kraphük / Invisibile Indicator
27.May 2020
Thomas Empl - Wir umklammern uns
Inga Fischer - Bandita
Leonard Prandini - Monte Carlo
03.June 2020
Joel Jaffe - Xhale-gasp
M42 - SoforthilfekleinNRW
Jee Soo Hong - The Signal to Isolation
Lilian Villalba - The history of stuffed animals
10.June 2020
Franziska Windisch - Conversation: Feedback
Jorengthericecake - Parrot, Lispector, in between Dysphoria
17.June 2020
Werken - Live Concert
Mount Wobble - Mount Wobble Label
Friedemann Dupelius - Silencing Stadion
24.June 2020
Natural History - Love / Hate / Concentrate
YOU ARE Group - Police Watching
Florian Schmitz - Drum'n'Bass Vinyl Set
01.July 2020
Reading Night
Inga Fischer
Judith Röder
Thomas Empl
Rebana John
Biniam Graffé
Marie Sturm
Faris Alrjoob
Special session talk with Hans w.Koch
08.July 2020
Good Vibration - Why are you just jumping all the time instead of falling?
Grapefruits - Conversation: Female Composers and Sound Artists
15.July 2020
Conversation with Agustina & Sybella
Safe Space Records : Interview & Tracks
SPA Recordings : Interview & B2B DJ Set
22.July 2020
Press Play
Closing Otic Radio of SUSE 2020