/ XXX /

XXX - Pilotin

a picture showing three x

From October 2006 until February 2007 a pool of art students, teachers, researchers and other employees involved in the Büro of Gleichstellung of KHM academy of media arts Cologne collaborate in developing a discussion platform on arts and gender. XXX platform produced a public screening at the Filmforum Museum Ludwig Cologne (December 2006) and an exhibition at Trinitatis Kirche Cologne (January 2007).

The project was led by Chistiane Koenig, Susanna Schoenberg, Marcia Vaitsman, Martina Hoefflin, Saskia Reither, Sandra Horsch.

XXX exhibition

Es gibt keine geschlechtsneutrale Wirklichkeit, oder was meinen Sie dazu? Verzwickt und vertrackt, liegt "das Geschlecht" im Bildkoerper oder im Koerperbild, in der Wahrnehmung oder in der Strategie.

January 18 - 23 2007
Trinitatis Kirche Cologne

Participating artists: Sina Brennecke, Jana Debus, Kerstin Ergenzinger, Juliane Grossheim, Freya Hattenberger, Artur and Eva Holling, Carolina Kot, Tzu-hsun Lee, Karin Lingnau, Elke Mark, Irena Paskali, Evelina Rajca, Sara Katrine Thiesen.

two video-projector in the exhibition artist Elke Mark during the exhibition six stuffed woollen stockings on a table of the exhibition four drawings by sina brennecke, showings female figures, upon a table of the exhibition

from left to right: Spiele by carolina kot, 2007; "Es sitzt die Zeit im weissem Kleid" by elke mark, 2006-2007; stockings by elke mark, 2005; entwuerfe by sina brennecke, 2007.

XXX screening

XXXen sie heute schon den film einer frau gesehen? XXXhaaren sie sich? is wXXXhing porn okay? tragen sie XXX? warum XXXturbieXXX sie? in welcher art vXX Xoerper leben sie? was XXX das geXXXlecXX Xer zukunft? xplizit xtrem xtraordinaire xtra xpressiv xperimental xponierend: films and videos of KHM students and guests.
December 12th and 14th 2006 19.00-23.00

Filmforum NRW im Museum Ludwig
Bischofsgartenstr. 1 – 50667 Koeln
Trinitatis Kirche Cologne

Participating artists: Vera Bongartz, Eli Cortinas, Jana Debus, VALIE EXPORT, Kerstin Ergenzinger, Miriam Glaser, Polina Goldinberg, Kim Koch, Corinna Liedke, Verena Maas, Ruben Malchow, Elke Mark, Matthias Mueller, Irena Paskali, Evelina Rajca, Alice Rose, Tom Weller, Stefan Westerwelle, Wayne Yung.

a frame of the video of juliane grossheim
Regina by juliane grossheim, 2007.
//////////////////// relatives ///
michael zepter
georg rosenthal, michael zepter und ansgar jerrentrup (courtesy m. zepter).
ruben malchow
four ages of men, 2005
(courtesy ruben malchow).
an origami rabbit by karin lingnau
UT rabbit (zeichnung nr. 1), [refeed] 2008
(courtesy karin lingnau).
homometer, 1973
(courtesy VALIE EXPORT).
julia scher
wonderland, Andrea Rosen gallery, 1998
(courtesy julia scher).

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