/ transterritoriale generation / expanding attendance: about presence, transparency, mobility, mapping, control

a workshop by susanna schoenberg for Geração Transterritorial/ Transterritoriale Generation, at Paço das Artes, Sao Paulo, 2007

Alem da transparência fora do controle e do controle social: um workshop para discussão e prolongamento do espaço de percepção. Telepresença e controle são os pólos de um campo de tensão, o qual ainda se ornamenta com base na tecnologia atual como por exemplo a manobra de pessoas e produtos através do olhar satellite se combinam como técnica mista, os quais defendem o pragmatismo orientado por medidas de segurança como o desejo crescent ede voyerismus e alto representação. Ou seja, ser atendido pelos últimos a fim de encontrar sua utilização. Esta é uma oportunidade para a análise de estratégias e obras de artistas de mídia, não somente como empatia com técnica, mas também como alta valorização medial e experiência no campo da mídia transformada.

The workshop was part of Geração Transterritorial/ Transterritoriale Generation – an exchange programme for young media artists travelling between Cologne and Sao Paulo.


the affiche of the workshop showing the Earth planisphere with relative locations of Cologne and Sai Paulo

/ dislocations 2012

a workshop by Susanna Schoenberg and Lasse Scherffig from Paidia Institute developed in collaboration with Jonas Hansen and Noarte Paese Museo

The choosen core location is a community in Southern Sardinia with an established tradition on artists residency and artistic intervention: a perfect (both logistic and cultural) pre-condition in order to produce a laboratory to be extended over a larger territory: the territory –the objects of architecture, pieces of landscapes and spatial facts–has to be seen as the experimental laboratory. The technical approach to the idea of spaces or layers of spatial reality to be found will offer two main approaches: the waves trasmission and the scanning. Participants will have the possibility to deal with radio-receiver, capacitive sensors, to invent enquiries and built instruments. The visits to specific sites will be correlated to some technical matter as well as to spatial ideas and objects characteristical of the region (the cave, the dune, the industrial ruin, the restricted areas..).


Sebastian Thewes2012

/ dislocations 2014

a workshop by Susanna Schoenberg and Thomas Hawranke organized by Noarte Paese Museo in collaboration with Paidia Institute. Laboratory funded by European Commission Cultural Program and Nordic Foundation developed for Migrating Art Academies, network for innovation and exchange in arts teaching and research

There is a variable and variable oriented distance between the perceiving subject and its environment; to extend, reflect and differentiate possibilities of action in relation to perception and cognition of pieces of the real, will be the aim of this territory-based laboratory. The search of emerging shapes of unknown structures and phenomena, the design of synesthetic effects, the work on multi-dimensional translations will be part of the assignment of the interventional program.


Tatiana Efrussi
//////////////////// relatives ///
michael zepter
georg rosenthal, michael zepter und ansgar jerrentrup (courtesy m. zepter).
ruben malchow
four ages of men, 2005
(courtesy ruben malchow).
UNTITLED by friedrich blume
untitled, 2011
(courtesy Friedrich Blume).
homometer, 1973
(courtesy VALIE EXPORT).
julia scher
wonderland, Andrea Rosen gallery, 1998
(courtesy julia scher).

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