/ untitled / on plastic and the size of lies

untitled is a video poem about buckles, fragile family relationships, conflictual territorial boundaries, and the scale of lies.

A collection of 235 buckles from the 1930s taken from the belongings of my grandmather, mather of my father, to whom I have not been very intimate, and my aunt's statement about their origin – this combination of material and immaterial facts causes incredible discomfort.

Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles
Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles
Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles
Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles
Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles
Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles
Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles Buckles


235 pieces.
A piece of bakelite, a piece of sheet metal.
All the others made of something else, maybe thermoplastic or a urea resin. They are colorful, look like licking on the front, rough on the back.


In the history of these plastic things the connection plays a role, the race laws and the recruitment of ethnic Germans in the Italian and Slovenian Alpine region.

video still video still

untitled / stills from the video
© susanna schoenberg & arte-e-parte 2018

//////////////////// relatives ///
michael zepter
georg rosenthal, michael zepter und ansgar jerrentrup (courtesy m. zepter).
ruben malchow
four ages of men, 2005
(courtesy ruben malchow).
UNTITLED by friedrich blume
untitled, 2011
(courtesy Friedrich Blume).
homometer, 1973
(courtesy VALIE EXPORT).
julia scher
wonderland, Andrea Rosen gallery, 1998
(courtesy julia scher).

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