/ de-TOUR / video and display

an exhibition concept by susanna schoenberg
(sound composition by gerriet k. sharma)

de-TOURs is labeling a video concept developed for generic displays and display-situations: a collection of minimal staged video coreographies not longer as a commercial spot for a public subway display.
With increasing self-evidence, displays populate places of so-called public and semi-public space. In the perspective of the displays, there is no private space, but a space with a variable degree of tele-communicative attitude. In order to fix these monitors and regulate the corresponding streamings, gear architectures and assembling systems are designed, which are contributing coining our understanding for shaping and aesttetics in general.

a view of the installation showing a video channel
another view of the installation showing 2 different video channels
a scene from one of the videos of the installation: people in a public toilet another scene from the video of the installation: people walking in a public toilet
a different view of the installation showing 1 video channel
a scene from the other video of the installation: a woman walking out of a public place another scene from the video of the installation: a woman stepping upstairs in a public place
Produced for Galerie Kub Leipzig, exhibited in 2008 from March 15th to April 13th.

//////////////////// relatives ///
michael zepter
georg rosenthal, michael zepter und ansgar jerrentrup (courtesy m. zepter).
ruben malchow
four ages of men, 2005
(courtesy ruben malchow).
UNTITLED by friedrich blume
untitled, 2011
(courtesy Friedrich Blume).
homometer, 1973
(courtesy VALIE EXPORT).
julia scher
wonderland, Andrea Rosen gallery, 1998
(courtesy julia scher).

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