/ CODED / photographic stitching templates (foto da ricamo a mezzopunto) # 1-9 / 100x150 cm each / 2003

a picture of a female model (posing in stamped paints) printed upon a rolling stitching work

The female character of CODED simulates the empty gesture: her meaningless poses variation, which you can not interpret, can be combined - at customer's option - with radically differentiated statements.

In order to simulate this empty gesture, messages are offered, which could stay behind the pose, and are made to a kind of legend or subtitle.

It should work in the same way as fashion photography puts together gesture and logo, looking for all sorts of Weltanschauung–gestures.

The negative (something-negating) combination of picture and text of the CODED-gesture reminds me of Magritte's pipe, which is not a pipe. As Michel Foucault has written about Magritte's CECI N´EST PAS UNE PIPE, to paint is not to affirm. It is just that the CODED-text-pictures aren't paintings, but stitching templates.

altitude, atelier multimedia&performance, Cologne 2003; photograph: KHM
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untitled, 2011
(courtesy Friedrich Blume).
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