/ setting / reactive 2-channels-video + panorama photographie

settings of a performance with a narrative character

panoramic picture of the shooting set

setting is structured in 3 moments:
1 a set situation, where the simultaneity of parallel running performances becomes spatial
2 a series of panoramic pictures as a document of the same set situation
3 an interface between the videorecorded actions and the viewer, which allowed a kind of navigation over time and space.

setting pretends to reduce narration into space and time structures: 5 spaces were developed where 5 performances have taken place sharing a common dramaturgic time.

4 of the set situations are monologues: excerpts of private interiors where single women are improvising their mental interiors. The 5th situation introduces 3 men playing cards. The card game is fixing the dramaturgic running time (around 12 minutes).

2004 Foerderkoje Art Frankfurt (germany)
2004 EMAF / Osnabrueck (germany)
2004 tekfilm festival / Rome (Italy)
2004 International Women's Films Festival / Creteil (France)
2003 Festival Internazionale Cinema Torino (Italy)
2003 rheinform architekten / Cologne
2003 altitude 03 / Cologne

© susanna schoenberg & KHM 2003
with the collaboration of luis negrón van grieken (programming), martin nawrath (keyboard) + urs fries (panorama technique).

//////////////////// relatives ///
michael zepter
georg rosenthal, michael zepter und ansgar jerrentrup (courtesy m. zepter).
ruben malchow
four ages of men, 2005
(courtesy ruben malchow).
UNTITLED by friedrich blume
untitled, 2011
(courtesy Friedrich Blume).
homometer, 1973
(courtesy VALIE EXPORT).
julia scher
wonderland, Andrea Rosen gallery, 1998
(courtesy julia scher).

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