Installation in Kunstraum Düsseldorf

2xDVD Player, 2x Video Beamer, 4xAktivboxen, Projektionsgröße 322x860 cm
  The video is made up of 41 sequences which I recorded on various journeys and in everyday life over a time period of five years. Each sequence lasts a matter of seconds and comprises only a moment, that is the starting point of a particular episode or experience from my life. The clips are shown at a speed five to eight times slower than normal to emphasize every detail of every moment. The work is projected with two video projectors which are synchronised by a DVD player. The images slide across the projection screen from left to right one after the other. At the same time the viewer hears a sound track of short experiences and stories told from my life which reflect both my social and political background. The video images and matching texts are not synchronized. In this way the viewer is left to make their own associations - which of the images belongs to which story ?and to contemplate each of the transitory impressions and moments.