ellerstation _ Raum Installation,1995 Düsseldorf

2 Typewriters, 2 x rolls of transparent paper,aluminium frames,6 pulleys,2 spring-suspensions

The exhibition space was originally the waiting room of the now disused railway station in Eller. Having been stripped of its original function the building now seems displaced in the context of its surroundings. Two large windows which look out over the platform and railway tracks are usually covered by curtains. In this site specific installation these windows were used as a point of access to “outside” and “memory”. But for a narrow vertical opening (30 x 300 cm) the large windows (160 x 300 cm) were boarded up in such a way that it seemed to be a continuation of the wall. A typewriter was then mounted in front of each opening. Instead of regular sheets of paper a loop of transparent paper which reached to the top edge of the windows was loaded into each typewriter. At the top edge of the window the loop of paper was fed over a roller. Through the activity of typewriting the spatial dynamics and lighting in the room were altered. As one typed the loop of paper either moved in front of or away from the window opening, alternately opening up or blocking off the view to the outside world. The typewriters functioned as an invitation to the exhibition visitor to interact with the work and alter it in the form of a typewritten contribution, be it in the form of a few letters or a thought or a statement. This contribution then slowly climbed its way to the top of the window as further visitors interacted with the work during the course of the exhibition.