Genetic Laboratory. Installation genlaboratorium (mixed media/performance) was exhibited in Cologne (Galerie Projektraum, Trinitatis Church), Munich (Deutsches Museum), Berlin (Shopping Mall Potsdamer Platz), Halle/Saale (Frankeche Stiftung), Praque (Goethe Institute), Aachen (Krönunungsaal). Videostill (16 x 11 cm) from Videowork genlaboratorium, 25 min.More Videostills Genetic Laboratory was a common project with Dr. Dirk Prüfer, Fraunhofer Institute IME Aachen, Björn Schülke, Cologne and Marcia Vaitsman Chiga, Sao Paolo (Brazil). Soundtrack provided by Thom Kubli, Berlin. Demo-Video |