Marcia Vaitsman

     projects        about




video HD, 2012.

How long is permanence? The 27 antennas, I see from my window, are huge upright objects ejecting to the sky a massive amount of human expectations and meanings, private and collective. Can antennas be seen as metaphysical allegories? Contemporary urban totems? When culture becomes less artifact based, the speed of transfer of information leads me to think of how we are going to negotiate spaces in our cities. Preservation has strong roots in the transfer of knowledge through artifacts. In ancient places, for instance Rome, preservation provides cultural artifacts for the transference of knowledge of several moments: birth and rebirths of the city. These rebirths are strongly related to the endurance of its citizens to adapt to new economies, waves of migration, natural catastrophes or simply boredom: adaptation and reinvention of themselves as a strategy to survive.


