Clea T. Waite
MEDIA WORKS Underway in SouthEast Asia: >>>




The Spider Project (working title):Video/CG installation. In progress.
Website "notebook": Spirals&Tangents



What was Lot's Wife Name? two channel video sculpture/poem salt, projection, and monitor, 1999.>>>




KUR: (Sumerian ca. 3000 BC.)
The Great Unknown; Underworld; Mountain; Enemy Territory:
"4-Dimensional", non-linear video installation: four stereoscopic video projections, quadraphonic audio, room installation, digital video. video:1996 / installation:1997.

 cyber.3: computer animation and digital video, 0:49 min. 1994.

 Nothing Broke but the Heart: computer animation and digital video, 6:55 min. 1994.

 Talisman (nothing broke but the heart): two channel video installation: computer generated animation, digital Echo Planar Images (EPI), LCD monitors, objects. 1994.

 under the moon ii: lunacy: experimental dance video. 7:15 min., 1989/1994.



T.R.A.V.E.R.S.E.: experimental video, 2 min. 1993.

 Nothing Broke but the Heart: installation: X-ray photographs, magnetic resonance imaging digital images, computer generated animation, Plexiglas, and objects. 1993.

 Stella Maris: experimental video, 11 min. 1988.

 Diary: Dates of Killing Frost and Length of Growing Season: experimental video, 8 min. 1987.

 Absolute Object: installation. computer punch tape and laser light. 1987

 HOPE: experimental video music (music by the Ordinaires), 4 min. 1986.

 The Golden Calf: video sculpture/installation and poem, 1986.

 under the moon: experimental video, 2 min. 1985



Torso Studies: B&W silver print lenticulars, 11x14", 1992.

Angel Series: color prints, 1988.


"Time on Space: Kur, a Four-Dimensional Film", Bild-Medium-Kunst, edited by Yvonne Spielmann & Gundolf Winter, Wilhem Fink Verlag, Munich, 1999, pg. 235-250.

'Visualizing Time on Space: from Sumer to Quantum Physics', Consciousness Reframed Proceedings, (Newport: Center for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts, University of Wales College, July, 1997).

'Of Interiority and Exteriority, Subject and Object', Germany in a growing Europe: Reflections by the fourth group of Bundeskanzler Scholars 1993/1994 (Bonn: Alexander Von Humboldt Stiftung, 1995), pg. 85-87.